Friday, November 30, 2007


Hello ?
Hello ?

Are you already here? I know you can hear me.
I’m ready.
Can you really see me? Where are you?
What do you want me to do?

Are you saying yes?
Are you saying yes?



There is nothing but black. There is nothing but silence. I am lying in a dark space. I close my eyes. My body wanting for rest. My mind wide awake. I feel my breathing in and out. Other sounds filter in, things I can’t identify. I see nothing. There is nothing. There is the sensation of space but there is no image. I feel solitude. Solitude comes in different varieties. I feel I can trace the shadows of the past. I imagine myself as a part of it. I don’t know how long I have been here. There is a path. I see a path. I see a path in the woods. My body moves to follow the path.


Welcome to “(g)hosts”, our weekly program about the other side…
You’ll finish and that will be that, until a moment will come, maybe in a month, may be a year, maybe even several years.
You’ll be sick or feeling troubled or deeply in love or quietly uncertain or even content for the first time in your life. It won’t matter. Out of the bleu, beyond any cause you can trace, you’ll suddenly realize things are not how you perceive them to be at all…
Next on our program a piece by Orson Wells called “THE CHAIN”. This recording was first broadcasted in 1952.
Whether you are here or there just lay back and enjoy!


Time seems to pass folks. The world happens, unrolling into moments, and you stop to glance at a spider pressed to its web.

The seventeenth century was the century of mathematics, the eighteenth, of physical sciences, and the nineteenth, of biology.
The twentieth century was the century of fear.
You’ll tell me that fear is not a science. But if fear in itself cannot be considered a science, it is without doubt a technique!
We are now in the twenty first century, striving to expect the unexpected.

Presently it is 8.42 pm. Tonight, as usual we would like to connect with the invisible: The dead, the undead and everybody in between.
Our telephone line is now open to find out what is going on in your mind. Your call is more than welcome. Here is our first caller on the air. Hello?


We all, shall all, will all be left.
And they will go or not or never.
And you have seen what you will see.

How much myth do we build into our experience of time?

We are now reaching the limit of our program for tonight. I would like to thank you for being with us. I’ll be back with you next week, same time, same place, same life.
For the last 1 minute and 37 seconds, we’ll hear a poem by Charles Bukowski called “The Aliens”.

Good night…


The aliens
you may not believe it
but there are people
who go through life with
very little
friction of distress.
they dress well, sleep well.
they are contented with
their family
they are undisturbed
and often feel
very good.
and when they die
it is an easy death, usually in their

you may not believe
but such people do

but i am not one of
oh no, I am not one of them,
I am not even near
to being
one of
but they
are there

and I am